. Kraaikamp, F.M. Dekking CL.E. Meester, H.P. Lopuhaa¨2018-10-152018-10-1520052005F.M. Dekking C. Kraaikamp &H.P. Lopuhaa¨ L.E. Meester(2005)A modern introduction to probability and statistics. — (Springer texts in statistics).Springer-Verlag London Limited1-85233-896-2http:// probability and statistics?; 2.Outcomes, events, and probability; 3.Conditional probability and independence; 4.Discrete random variables; 5.Continuous random variables; 6.Simulation; 7.Expectation and variance; 8.Computations with random variables; 9. Joint distributions and independence; 10.Covariance and correlation; 11.More computations with more random variables; 12.The Poisson process; 13.The law of large numbers...en-USProbabilitiesMathematical statisticsDekking, F.M.A modern introduction to probability and statistics. — (Springer texts in statistics)Book