The Cambridge dictionary of statistics

dc.contributor.authorEveritt, B. S.
dc.contributor.authorSkrondal, A.
dc.descriptionIn the fourth edition of this dictionary many new entries have been added reflecting, in particular, the expanding interest in Bayesian statistics, causality and machine learning. There has also been a comprehensive review and, where thought necessary, subsequent revision of existing entries. The number of biographies of important statisticians has been increased by including many from outside the UK and the USA and by the inclusion of entries for those who have died since the publication of the third edition.en_US
dc.description.sponsorshipUganda Institute of Information and Communications Technologyen_US
dc.identifier.isbn13 978-0-511-78827-7
dc.titleThe Cambridge dictionary of statisticsen_US
dcterms.publisherCambridge University Press, New York.
dcterms.tableOfContentsIn the fourth edition of this dictionary many new entries have been added reflecting, in particular, the expanding interest in Bayesian statistics, causality and machine learning. There has also been a comprehensive review and, where thought necessary, subsequent revision of existing entries. The number of biographies of important statisticians has been increased by including many from outside the UK and the USA and by the inclusion of entries for those who have died since the publication of the third edition.
